Selective Rack

With selective rack, the priority is easy picking and maximum accessibility rather than the highest possible storage density.

This kind of pallet racking is very common—you’ll see it anywhere there’s high-turnover product in a warehouse. It’s a highly economical option and can be designed in a variety of configurations.

It can also accommodate forklift or other traffic and is easily integrated with mezzanine floor systems or other racking options like gravity flow rack.

Single selective rack keeps the rack aisle-accessible on both sides, but you’ll also see this pallet racking stacked back-to-back for more storage density. Because this is such a common and popular storage option, selective pallet racking is highly customizable with a wide range of sizes and capacities. A powder coat finish adds resistance to common warehouse solvents, water, and wear.

Need more information about selective rack shelving? We’re here to get it to you. CONTACT US OR CALL 1-800-666-5600. Don’t forget to ask about used pallet racking and financing options.